Employee Wellness Program Outcomes: A Case Study

Jason S. Swayze & Lisa A. Burke-Smalley, Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, January 2013

The study: examines program outcomes associated with wellness efforts at a large midwestern-based, globally operating manufacturing company, focused on workers’ physical health. Pedometer program measuring other biometric data.


Results: The employee fitness program was able to generate impressive participation of more than half of the employee base including eligible spouses, significant shifts in activity among employees, which translated in healthier lifestyles (physical activity) and improved biometric measures (reduced hypertension), reduction of recordable injuries and lost work-days.


Successful wellness/fitness programs:
  • Capture CEO support
  • Create cohesive wellness teams
  • Collect data to drive health efforts
  • Carefully crafted operating plan
  • Choose appropriate interventions (priority based on analysis of key issues)
  • Create supportive environment
  • Evaluate outcomes

Read more: Researchgate.net resource

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